It is suitable for use in standard orthophthalic and special purpose (heat resistance, chemical resistance, etc.) isophthalic, isophthalic/special glycol, bisphenol A based unsaturated polyester resins for all curing systems. With this feature, it has an extensive usage area such as hand lay-up, spray applications, polyester cast artificial marble and mortars, paint systems, centrifuge and filament winding applications. It is also used in curing vinyl esters.
It is a standard, general purpose methyl ethyl ketone peroxide. Since there is a solution in phthalate, it has a stable structure as long as decomposition temperatures are not reached and no reaction with metals and catalysts occur. It is very suitable to be used for gelcoats and marine applications as well as standard orthophthalic resins with its guaranteed very low water content and lack of polar solvents. Provides rapid curing and ensures suitable curing processes depending on the gel-time structure of the resin system to be used. It is recommended to be used with a ratio between 1% and 3% based on the resin system. It is recommended to adjust catalyst amounts instead of hardener amounts in adaptations to be made in Gel-time and to abide by the Dewester polyester technical bulletins for the hardener.
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