DYOTHERM officially launched

At the conference "Looking at the Future from the Past: What's New in Architecture?" held on November 7, 2017 at the Building-Industry Center (BIC), the density and quality of the constructions in İstanbul was the topic discussed in detail.  In the conference where answers were sought to questions such as "Do buildings lose their identity in a rapidly growing urban area in order to modernize?", "Are the new building material products compliant with environmental factors?", "How will the changing climate conditions have an impact on architecture?", views on environmentally friendly products were also shared.

What is New in Architecture At the Conference which attracted great attention, the use of environmentally friendly products was focused on within the framework of the concept "What is New in Architecture?" and accordingly and DYO Boya's new insulation product DYOTHERM was launched as the example product. The eco-friendly, innovative thermal insulation product of the DYOTHERM brand, DYOTHERM ISOLTECO 110, with class A fire resistance, sound insulation, high thermal protection and hybrid technology has been introduced.

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